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PTC Arbortext Editor 7.0 M100 Win64-SSQ


PTC Arbortext Editor 7.0 M100 Win64-SSQ | 988 MB


Arbortext Editor is a tool for preparing XML documents, which is a full-featured solution that meets the various needs in the development of textual information about the product.

Arbortext Editor is used to create operating manuals, maintenance manuals, e-learning materials, as well as marketing, commercial and reference documents. Arbortext Editor allows you to save time and effort of the author by creating “components” of XML-based documentation that can easily be reused, to ensure uniformity of documentation.

Managing and tracking content components to create dynamic assemblies in the publishing process is done using Windchill or Arbortext Content Manager.
Features and Benefits:
Support for the S1000D standard;
Creation and editing of components and sets of documentation;
More than 25 languages ​​with support for the corresponding character sets and spelling checkers;
Support for publishing standards, for example, DITA and DocBook, as well as XML, SGML, XSL (XSL-FO and XSLT), XML Schema, XPath, XInclude, DOM and other web standards;
Support for tables in HTML, CALS, OASIS and Arbortext formats;
Provision of publications with interactive graphic elements, processing of documents with complex graphics (formats CGM, EDZ, ISO, ISOZ, PVZ and SVG);
Online content support:
Create publications for various users by using conditional text;
Automatic inclusion of data directly from databases and information systems;
Extensive customization options:
Create and customize dialogs and toolbars with XML configuration files and built-in ActiveX controls;
Access to more than 95% of the Arbortext Editor’s capabilities, using the API or directly through COM, supporting many different programming languages ​​including C / C ++, Java, JScript, JavaScript, Visual Basic, VBScript and PerlScript. TCL support can be customized.
Arbortext Editor is integrated with applications such as Arbortext IsoView and Creo View. You can also extend the use of this application by embedding it in the browser as ActiveX control (ActiveX control) or installing it as a separate application. Run Arbortext Editor directly in Windchill and Arbortext Content Manager for faster XML development (XML authoring).

God/Data Vypuska: 2018
Versiya: 7.0 M100
Razrabotchik: PTC
Sayt razrabotchika: http://www.ptc.com/
Razryadnost’: 64bit
YAzyk interfeysa: Mul’tiyazychnyy (russkiy otsutstvuyet)
Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, English, German, French, Japanese, Italian, Korean, Spanish
Tabletka: Prisutstvuyet (TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ)
Opisaniye: Arbortext Editor – sredstvo dlya podgotovki XML-dokumentov, predstavlyayushcheye soboy polnofunktsional’noye resheniye, otvechayushcheye razlichnym potrebnostyam v oblasti razrabotki tekstovoy informatsii ob izdelii.
Arbortext Editor ispol’zuyetsya dlya sozdaniya rukovodstv po ekspluatatsii, rukovodstv po tekhnicheskomu obsluzhivaniyu, materialov dlya elektronnogo obucheniya, a takzhe dokumentov marketingovogo, kommercheskogo i spravochnogo kharaktera. Arbortext Editor pozvolyayet ekonomit’ vremya i sily avtora za schet sozdaniya «komponentov» dokumentatsii na osnove XML, kotoryye legko mogut byt’ ispol’zovany povtorno, obespechit’ yedinoobraziye oformleniya dokumentatsii.
Upravleniye i otslezhivaniye komponentov soderzhimogo s tsel’yu sozdaniya dinamicheskikh sborok v protsesse izdaniya osushchestvlyayetsya s pomoshch’yu Windchill ili Arbortext Content Manager.
Kharakteristiki i preimushchestva:
Podderzhka standarta S1000D;
Sozdaniye i redaktirovaniye komponentov i komplektov dokumentatsii;
Boleye 25 yazykov s podderzhkoy sootvetstvuyushchikh naborov simvolov i slovarey proverki pravopisaniya;
Podderzhka izdatel’skikh standartov, naprimer, DITA i DocBook, a takzhe XML, SGML, XSL (XSL-FO i XSLT), XML Schema, XPath, XInclude, DOM i drugikh veb-standartov;
Podderzhka tablits v formatakh HTML, CALS, OASIS i Arbortext;
Snabzheniye publikatsiy interaktivnymi graficheskimi elementami, oformleniye dokumentov slozhnoy grafikoy (formaty CGM, EDZ, ISO, ISOZ, PVZ i SVG);
Operativnaya podderzhka kontenta:
Sozdaniye publikatsiy dlya razlichnykh pol’zovateley pri pomoshchi ispol’zovaniya uslovnogo teksta (conditional text);
Avtomaticheskoye vklyucheniye dannykh napryamuyu iz baz dannykh i informatsionnykh sistem;
Shirokiye vozmozhnosti nastroyki:
Sozdaniye i nastroyka dialogov i paneley instrumentov s pomoshch’yu XML faylov konfiguratsiy i vstroyennykh sredstv upravleniya ActiveX;
Dostup k boleye chem 95% vozmozhnostey Arbortext Editor, ispol’zuya API ili napryamuyu cherez COM, podderzhivayushchuyu mnozhestvo razlichnykh yazykov programmirovaniya v tom chisle C/C++, Java, JScript, JavaScript, Visual Basic, VBScript i PerlScript. Podderzhka TCL mozhet byt’ nastroyena dopolnitel’no.
Arbortext Editor integrirovan s takimi prilozheniyami kak Arbortext IsoView i Creo View. Rasshirit’ ispol’zovaniye etogo prilozheniya takzhe mozhno za schet vstraivaniya yego v brauzer kak upravleniye ActiveX (ActiveX control) ili ustanovki kak otdel’nogo prilozheniya. Zapuskayte Arbortext Editor napryamuyu v Windchill i Arbortext Content Manager dlya boleye bystroy razrabotki XML (XML authoring).
Year / Release Date: 2018
Version: 7.0 M100
Developer: PTC
Developer’s site:
Code: Select all

Bit depth: 64bit
Language: Multilanguage (Russian not available)
Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, English, German, French, Japanese, Italian, Korean, Spanish
Tabletka: Present (TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ)







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