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Apr 01

Moses CONNECT Edition v11 Update 3

Moses CONNECT Edition V11 Update 3

Moses CONNECT Edition v11 Update 3 | 1.3 GB

The MOSES development team is pleased to announce the release of MOSES CONNECT Edition V11 Update 3 (version This version of MOSES includes updates to the MOSES Solver and a technology preview of the new features in the MOSES Executive and MOSES Hull Modeler.

These include:
– A technology preview of a new feature that allows MOSES objects to be defined in MOSES Hull Modeler. MOSES bodies, parts, pieces, classes, and beam and plate elements can now be created graphically and saved directly to the MOSES *.dat format.
– A technology preview of MOSES projects, a convenient way to group multiple command input, data, macro and results files in one location, the *.moses project file.
– Changes to the definition of compressors and pumps, and improvements to the reporting of compartment hole flows.
Full details on the changes made to MOSES in version can be found in the MOSES

Minimize offshore project risks with designs optimized using MOSES integrated simulation software. Apply industry best practices for installation and design sequences, and explore design alternatives with the efficiency and flexibility of a unified modeling environment. Simulate complete system response with advanced, integrated solvers for hydrostatic, hydrodynamic, mooring, and structural behavior. Avoid rework and project delays by collaborating with structural teams using integration with SACS.

MOSES helps you solve complex offshore engineering problems and produce accurate high-quality models and platform designs for future reuse.

Choose the version that aligns with your project needs:
MOSES: Satisfy general transportation requirements with capabilities for stability assessment and motions analysis in the frequency domain.
MOSES Advanced: Mitigate risks for marine operations by extending MOSES with capabilities for lifting, floatover, and global performance analyses. Apply either strip theory or radiation-diffraction panel methods for calculation of response in the frequency domain, as well as time domain predictions of non-linear vessel motions.
MOSES Enterprise: Save time by evaluating installation and global performance requirements in a unified offshore-specific system. Expand MOSES Advanced with a complete range of functions from hull modeling and stability calculation, to prediction of motions, mooring and riser analysis, pipelay, and jacket launch.
This video highlights some of the new features which have been added to MOSES Hull Modeler 11.03. These features facilitate the modeling of offshore floating foundation structures using simple trimesh primitive shapes. The interactive UI is demonstrated as well as an example of how automatic parametric modeling of these types of structures can be scripted via the Hull Modeler COM automation interface.

Bentley Systems, Incorporated. is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has nearly 3,000 colleagues in more than 45 countries, $500 million in annual revenues, and, since 2001, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

Product: MOSES
Version: CONNECT Edition V11 Update 3 (version
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.bentley.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 1.3 Gb

Installation Requirements:
Supported Operating Systems
Windows 10 (64-bit): Home, Pro, Enterprise, and Education
Windows 8.1 (64-bit): Standard, Pro, and Enterprise
Windows 8 (64-bit): Standard, Pro, and Enterprise
Note: For Window 8 and 8.1, you must have the Microsoft KB2919355 installed on your machine. Bentley does not support its software running on Microsoft operating systems versions that Microsoft has "retired".
Software Prerequisites
The software prerequisites are included in the MOSES installer.
Supported i-model publishing engines
Publishing i-models from Multiframe requires Bentley ISM
Microsoft Office
For reporting using Microsoft Word, this must be installed on the system.
Minimum Profile
The minimum recommended workstation profile for running MOSES CONNECT Edition is:
Processor: Intel or AMD processor 1.0 GHz or greater. MicroStation is not supported on a CPU that does not support SSE2.
Memory: 4 GB minimum, 16 GB recommended. More memory almost always improves performance, particularly when working with larger models.
Hard Disk: 4 GB free disk space (which includes the 2 GB install footprint for a complete installation)
Video: Graphics card which fully supports DirectX 11 and OpenGL with up to date drivers. A stand-alone graphics card with 512 MB of video RAM or higher is recommended.
Screen: A resolution of at least 1024 x 768 or higher.
No Longer Supported or Delivered
Windows 7 support: Whilst MOSES software may well continue to function on Windows 7 with SP1, this operating system is no longer officially supported by Bentley Systems. Microsoft support for Windows 7 ended on January 14, 2020.32-bit operating systems are no longer supported.





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