; charset=UTF-8" /> Bentley ContextCapture Center Edition Update 18 v10.18.0.232 (x64) | CSKsite
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May 25

Bentley ContextCapture Center Edition Update 18 v10.18.0.232 (x64)

Bentley ContextCapture Center Edition Update 18 v10.18.0.232 (x64)

Bentley ContextCapture Center Edition Update 18 v10.18.0.232 (x64) | 1.53 GB | Language: English

Reality modeling is the process of fixing the physical reality of the infrastructure facility, creating its presentation and maintain it through continuous research. Bentley software to simulate the contextcapture reality provides you with a real digital context in the form of a three-dimensional reality mesh.

A reality grid is a three-dimensional model of real conditions that contains a large number of triangles and image data. Each digital component can be automatically recognized and / or have a geographical binding, which gives you an intuitive and spelling way to navigate, search, view and request information about assets. You can use reality models in many workflow, maintenance, or GIS processing, to provide accurate digital context of the real world for making decisions in design, construction and operation.

Separating photos from drones and images at the ground level, supplemented by laser scanning, where necessary, ContextCapture allows you to create spatially classified and ready-to-engineers of the reality grid of any desired level of accuracy and scale, including the entire city.

Depending on your project and the needs of the organization, you can select ContextCapture, ContextCapture Cloud Processing Service or ContextCapture Center. If you are working on a separate desktop and you have projects that require less than 300 gigapixels of images and / or 3 billion points from a laser scanner, CONTEXTCAPTURE cloud processing service or ContextCapture is an ideal solution. If your projects are larger, and you want to use parallel processing with multiple mechanisms to speed up the creation of your reality model, the CONTEXTCAPTURE cloud processing service or ContextCapture Center is ideal for your needs. Click below to obtain more information about these innovative products.

Year / Release Date: 5/14/2021
Version: V10.18.0.232.
Developer: Bentley Systems
Developer website: http://www.bentley.com
Blossomy: 64bit
Interface language: English
Tabletka: Cured

System Requirements: at least 8 GB of RAM and NVIDIA or AMD video card or an integrated Intel graphics processor compatible with OpenGL 3.2, with a dedicated memory of at least 1 GB. 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows 7/8/10 Professional, operating on a PC with rapid memory of at least 64 GB, Intel i9, 4+ cores and 4.0+ GHz processor. Hypertension must be enabled.






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