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Feb 08

Autodesk AutoCAD 2017.1.1


Autodesk AutoCAD 2017.1.1 | 3.5 Gb

Autodesk Inc., a world leader in 3D design software for entertainment, natural resources, manufacturing, engineering, construction, and civil infrastructure, has released update for AutoCAD 2017.1, its the latest version of the popular drafting software features improvements in dimensioning, object snapping, PDF creation, and reality computing.

What’s new in AutoCAD 2017:

– Improve 3D drafting in AutoCAD LT – For all of us that do 2D drafting and design, it’s hard to beat the latest release of AutoCAD LT. But when it comes to 3D features, however, it lacks. Now we know that you can pay a lot more to get 3D versatility in some of Autodesk’s more premium products but for a lot of small businesses that already find LT to be an expensive option, we would love to see more basic 3D options available.
– Bring back the Classic Workspace view – If you are a long time user of AutoCAD LT, then you’ll be bummed that the Classic Workspace view is no longer available in the 2016 perpetual version (those on the subscription plan still can switch to it). The new workspace interface is so dramatically different that if you’re upgrading from an older version then you’ll have to commit some time to learning it over again to become efficient with the software. While Autodesk cites their decision to remove the view as a “natural evolution towards a modern and more efficient interface”, we would like to see the option return for those that want it.
– Improve digital rights management and support – Autodesk has a really poor licensing management setup and nearly no support available if you get stuck activating your new. In the 2016 release, we found a number of customers complaining that they could not activate their new licenses using their existing account Autodesk ID’s when trying to install the software using “I already have an Autodesk account” installation option. The only workaround was to remove any trial versions of the software and reinstalling it under a newly created Autodesk ID. We hope that once the 2017 version rolls in that they will improve this setup process.

– Исходный материал для создания сборки – оригинальные ESD-дистрибутивы.
– Интегрировано обновление Autodesk AutoCAD 2017.1.1 Update. Описание на русском или на английском.
– Добавлена возможность установки локальной справки.
– Добавлена возможность установки VBA.
– Добавлена возможность установки модуля SPDS Extension.
– Проведены технические улучшения, избавляющие конечного пользователя от ряда проблем при установке программы.
– Запускаем команду -ПАНЕЛЬ (-TOOLBAR) – именно с символом “-“, это крайне важно!
– Вводим название панели, например Стандартная (Standart) или Рисование (Draw)
– выбираем опцию Показать (Shaw).
– В рабочей области появляется вожделенная панель
– Прячем ленту командой ЛЕНТАЗАКР (RIBBONCLOSE)
– Включаем выпадающее меню, установив значение переменной MENUBAR равным 1 (0 – отключено)
– Нажимаем правой кнопкой на панели и включаем все остальные нужные панели
– Для полного соответствия классическому интерфейсу необходимо открыть панели Стандартная (Standart), Стили (Styles), Слои (Layers), Свойства (Properties), Рисование (Draw), Редактирование (Modify), Рабочие пространства (Worspaces).
– Расставляем панели по рабочему полю (привязки панелей работают!)
– Сохраняем текущее рабочее пространство под именем, например Классический интерфейс


About Autodesk

Autodesk helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone-from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists-uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.

Product: Autodesk AutoCAD
Version: 2017 (N.301.0.0 AutoCAD 2017.1.1 Update)
Supported Architectures: 32bit / 64bit
Language: english, russian
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even / 8.x / 10


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